How To Increase Google AdSense Earnings in 2017

  1. How To Increase Google Adsense Earnings by Blocking low paying advertiser channel.
    In AdSense, Google pays publisher around 75% of all income. There is some advertiser who pays less for their targeting keywords. So if we show those advertiser ads, Google and we will earn less.
The best way to fix this issue, we need to block those advertiser. Here are 500+ low paying AdSense site lists which you can block:
how to boost adsense earning
Note: One more point – If you  review amazon products at your website and show AdSense ads , I advise to block from showing AdSense ads. Same thing applies for other affiliate network like hosting, domain etc.
Because if you don’t block those ads , you will lose dollars for pennies.

  1. Block low paying categories.
    Like site there are also some categories which pay less like news, gossips, cinemas etc. . . .
Here is the full list of low paying categories and high paying categories:
Apparel ,Beauti and Personal Care ,Dinning,Food ,Home and Garden ,Download  etc.
Simply go to ‘Allow and Block Sites” than go “General Categories ” and block all low paying categories.
how to increase google Adsense earning
  1. How To Increase Google Adsense Earnings by Using ads above the fold.
    It means that show the ads at visible first visible part (header) of your site. This will increase your ads impress .AdSense pays about $2 per 1000 ads view. Showing ads above the fold will also increase your ads click and visibilities.
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Side Note: Beware with this method as in 2014 Google has panelized many sites for showing above the fold ads . So a wise advice will be ” show only text ads above the fold in a short banner.”
4.Use page label ads.
This is a new feature which Google AdSense introduces in 2016 . In this type of ads publisher can show ads below page
If you have huge traffic this will definitely increase your AdSense review .
Here is a video by Google official :
5.Use text and images in ads.
It’s good to add a mix up of text and images in AdSense widget.
how to increase adsense earnign
6. How To Increase Google Adsense Earnings by Making  your ads similar to your theme .
It means that if your link is blue color than your AdSense link should be also blue. It will increase your ads click . More clicks mean more revenue .
7.Ask your readers to whitelist your site from ad-blocker.
It will increase your revenue up to 30% .There are many sites which don’t allow ad-blocker . If you want to read their content you need to whitelist them .

8.Show content related ads to increase click through rate.:
It’s as simple as heading says. If you running a blog about sport you need to show sport related ads .Cricbuzz is the best example of this : ( Cricbuzz is cricket live score website and mostly they show dream11 a fantasy cricket site ads)
adsense best example

9.Use responsive ads .
This is the newest feature of AdSense. Now you needn’t to think about ads unit . With responsive ads unit , your ads size will automatically change as per user device .
10.Don’t use title such as “sponsor ads”, “ads” in AdSense widget.
It may reduce ads click .
11. How To Increase Google Adsense Earnings by Using multiple units of ads.
Now Google has lifted the restriction of 3 ads per page rule .Now you can use as many ads you want to show . This will increase your ads revenue up to 25% .
12.How To Increase Google Adsense Earnings by Breaking  your long article into 2-3 pages .
This will increase your page views and AdSense earning at same time.
Every AdSense website uses these techniques . If you have visited buzzfeed , Huffington post , wittyfeed you may notice this .
To break your long article in pages , you can use plugin like  tinymce advacned .
13. How To Increase Google Adsense Earnings by Using  AdSense theme and plugins 
There are many AdSense friendly plugin and theme which you can use if your site .Some adsense optimize theme
14.Don’t use free plugin.
Because many of them show their own ads on your site.
15.Make A/B test .
It will show you what is working on your site and what is not.
16.Link your AdSense to analytics .
By this you will get how is your page monetizing .
17.Place ads just below images

how to increase google adsense earnings
Because images gets maximum impression so your ads will also get maximum impression.
AdSense pays more for these countries than others.
AdSense pay about $10 per 1000 views from these countries . These countries are also called tier 1 country and traffic from these country called “premium traffic” .
If your site in English ,then you get traffic from USA and other tier 1 countries.
19.Use static AdSense widget .
This is black hat method as I have mentioned above but yet many sites use this techniques .It will increase CTR and ads impression .
By using these techniques you earning will increase rapidly .
20.Allow gambling ads as they have high cpc value.

ad-sense earning
This is not against AdSense TOS . But it may hurt your user experience .
21.Avoid borders on ads.
It will separate your ads from content .So it good not to use border .

Now it’s Your Turn to Boost Your AdSense Earning :


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